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Attracting the right talent: The importance of a well-crafted job offer In today’s competitive job market, the quality of a job offer can be the difference between attracting a highly qualified candidate and losing them to a competing opportunity. A clear, engaging, and transparent job description not only draws in top talent but also reflects your organization’s culture and values. Here’s how to write a successful job offer that stands...
In today's thriving Blue Economy, marked by economic activities related to the ocean and marine resources, collaboration and networking are the keys to success . This dynamic sector, with significant growth potential, thrives on the idea that working together is the path to unlocking the vast potential of our oceans while ensuring their preservation for future generations. By fostering strong networks and partnerships, stakeholders in the...
The European Union Institutions appoint external experts to  assist in the evaluation of grant applications, projects and tenders, and to provide opinions and advice  in specific cases. The experts assist in: Evaluation of proposals, prize applications and tenders Monitoring of actions, grant agreements, public procurement contracts In addition, experts provide opinion and advise on: Preparation, implementation...
If you are a  marine consultant looking for opportunities at international organisations,  keep reading the post! Usually, the international organisations launch a  call of experts to create a database of experts  who will be called when the opportunity arises. Normally, they are looking for  senior profiles  (at least, more than 7 years of experience) but the entry requirements are different for each organisation. We have...
The UK is one the countries with largest tradition in the maritime affairs.  The  U K universities usually receive high scores  in g lobal university rankings  and have plenty of  practice-focused marine science courses.  Some universities that offer graduate and postgraduate courses in the UK are Bangor University, University of Aberdeen, Plymouth University, University of Southampton, University of St Andrews, Newcastle...