Seas Geosciences

Seas Geosciences, part of Sealaska's Woocheen family of businesses, was created to support the clean, offshore wind-energy expansion by integrating decades of specialized expertise in geotechnical solutions and marine construction. Understanding the nature and mechanics of soil is one of the most critical elements of offshore development. Geotechnical and geophysical site characterization for foundations, mooring and cable routes are the first and most important priority for every project. An increasing number of projects will be approved in more remote and difficult locations, using both floating and fixed technology. Our innovations and experience are geared towards addressing unique challenges such as environmental restrictions, marine life preservation, challenging bathymetries and soils, and deeper waters. We have a team of more than 60 people with decades of experience who have been working together for several years on seabed technologies and offshore geotechnical investigations. While we use the latest technologies and tools, we believe our most important assets are our people.