European Union RFMO Engagement Lead

  • Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
  • Hybrid
  • 26/08/2024
Office work Fisheries and aquaculture Management and consultancy Marine policy Marine research

Job Description

The position’s main focus is the engagement with the European Commission and Member States on the conservation priorities of deep sea RFMOs (NAFO, NEAFC, SIOFA, NPFC, SPRFMO), the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement (CAOFA), and engagement with the RFMO related interface with regional or treaty entities (e.g., IUCN, Barcelona Convention, OSPAR).

Key Responsibilities ● Lead the execution of Global Seamounts campaign RFMO related activities at EU level ● Help shape the DSCC engagement with the GFCM and the implementation of a proposed roadmap to secure the protection of seamounts on the high seas of the Mediterranean from bottom trawling. ● Interact with the new EU Head of Delegation for the GFCM (from late 2024) and influence their engagement with Member States. ● Engage and liaise with European Commission and EU member States officials responsible for the development of the position of the EU in deep-sea RFMOs and advocate for scientific recommendations and policy or regulatory outcomes to achieve DSCC objectives ● Ensure alignment of EU related action with the priorities of the DSCC EU group, other DSCC country Leads and DSCC Heads of Delegation for each RFMO ● Attend, when necessary and/or requested, relevant RFMOs meetings including meetings of scientific and compliance committees and annual commission meetings ● Work with the team of experts within the DSCC (science, advocacy and communications) to ensure that messaging to the EU is strategic, timely and persuasive leading into key meetings ● Activate the DSCC NGO membership in Europe to advocate for DSCC priorities (joint policy meetings, joint letters, etc.) ● Work with other DSCC regional leads (NZ, Australia, Japan, Chile, Canada, US) to find synergies and opportunities for cooperation to ensure connectivity, transparency of information sharing, and consistency of ambition and advocacy at EU level ● Develop and deliver presentations, act as a DSCC spoke-person, engage with the media, where needed and as required.

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Career options

Academic, research and sciences, Non academic career