Vittoria Moccia

  • Colombia
  • 20/03/2024
Field work, Office work Blue economy Climate change Conservation and ecology Coastal management Marine policy Marine research Marine bio/technology Oceanography

Work Experience

Reasearch fellow
Oct 2023 - Present Nova School of Law

Working for an EU founded project on blue biobanks and ex situ genetic conservation. The objective of the project is to advise the Portuguese government on how to design specific legislation on ex situ conservation and blue biobanks. I carry out: 

  • Academic and legislative reasearch
  • Comparative research
  • Devise legislative proposals


LLB in International and European Law
Sep 2018 - Jul 2021 University of Groningen
Master in Law and Economics of the Sea
Sep 2022 - Present Nova University of Lisbon

Name and surname

Vittoria Moccia



Years of experience


Are you looking for a job in:

In my country of residence, I am willing to move abroad, Only remotely

Language (indicate level)

Italian - Mother tongue 

English - C2

Spanish - C2 (listening and speaking), B2 (writing)

Portuguese - C1 (listening and speaking), B2 (writing)

Digital competences (indicate level)

Microsoft Office - working knowledge of word, powerpoint and excel. 

Meeting platoforms - working knowledge of Google meets and Zoom