Kieran O’Driscoll

  • Ireland
  • 15/04/2024
Office work Climate change Environmental education Marine research Marine renewable energy Oceanography Other

Work Experience

Nov 2021 - Present Hibernian Marine Systems Limited

Ocean modelling and prediction

Metocean and Environmental impact assessments 

Climate change and ocean pollution impacts

Ocean processes 

Data analysis, presentation and visualisation 


Sep 2002 - Jun 2007 University of Southern Mississippi

Name and surname

Kieran O’Driscoll


Irish, United States

Years of experience

More than 20 years

Are you looking for a job in:

Only remotely

Language (indicate level)

English Mother tongue 

German strong

French strong

Irish fluent

Italian basic

Spanish basic

Digital competences (indicate level)

Ocean modelling expert

Fortunately expert

Matlab expert

Data analysis, statistical analysis expert

Ocean circulation, Ocean processes expert

Climate change and ocean pollution expert

Mentoring expert

Project writing, management, completion. Expert

Personal website / LinkedIN